Published stories of Misattribute of Paternity & Paternity Fraud in Australia.

If you find an Australian story published in the media, please share it with us too.

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Our Impact

Guided by our mission to become Australia’s number one contact point for support and guidance since incorporating our Foundation on the 6th April 2023, we have to date already been able to make a significant impact. Connecting victims and their families in distress with access to health care professionals, legal information and governing processes and procedures through our advocacy and support thus far. Our impact on the community will continue to grow for the benefit of the Australian public as we strike up conversations and normalise the issues surrounding Misattribute of Paternity and Paternity Fraud. We’re committed to making a sustainable difference both now and in the future to support victims and their families in distress and work towards a preventable solution.

Australian Victims Affected by Misattribute of Paternity and Paternity Fraud

Have you been impacted by Misattribute of Paternity and would like to share your story?

Please contact us on email or via our contact page.

The importance of sharing your story - it just might encourage other victims in distress to speak out too.